Friday, March 15, 2013

Hello all check out the soundtrack while you look at rad art by me and my pals... done by yours truly Enjoy!



Here are some music videos for you all and a short, Enjoy!

Sunglasses - Swim


Climatic Narcissim - Directed by Arjae Franko

Images are credited from top to bottom left to right

 "Freak Beast Cover I"- Elgin Braden
"Lazer Tits" - Anna  'annafannabobanna' Coburn
"Put on Pants" - Anna Coburn
"Dont Need a Gun" - Elgin Braden
"A World Without Porkchops" - Mickey Louse
"Eddie Kane" - Anna Coburn
"My Little Sister" - Anna Coburn
"Dino Eggs" - Sam  'the real sam' Edison
"Hamster Puff" - Sam Edison
"Cocaine Blues" Will 'the iceman' Hunt
"Ego Artist" - Will Hunt
"Stay out of the Sex Cave I" - Teen Wolfe
"Stay out of the Sex Cave II" - LQ
"Surreal Vagina Party" - Johhny Moondog
"Wolf Sheep" - Sam Edison
 "Save Humanity" - Dank Sinatra
 "Uncanny Valley" - Will Hunt

The videos are self explanatory

Thanks for everyones help I couldnt have done this without all the support of my friends, See you next issue

-Elgin Braden